Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Final Press Release 4: Announcement

Patrick Bell
Certified Fitness Trainer
Phone: 435-770-2370
Email: trainissa@yahoo.com
Website: www.simplisiticfitness.com

Personal Training Beneficial to Your Health
Hiring a Personal Trainer Could Change Your Life

LOGAN, UT – Certified Fitness Trainer (CFT) Patrick Bell is offering training sessions to those individuals who want to change their lifestyle and get back on track with being healthy. Bell has always been interested in good health with an active lifestyle and wants to pass on his knowledge of staying fit on to those he want it.

Bell focuses on weight loss and muscle gain, something he likes to call, “body shaping.” He says, “over 82 percent of individuals seeking a personal trainer are looking to shape their bodies by gaining muscle and losing body fat, this is my specialty.” Patrick uses high intensity training, which is a combination of using weights and aerobic workouts to keep your heart rate up while burning fat and gaining muscle to tone your body.

With a degree in Exercise Science and is a specialist in Performance Nutrition, Bell’s knowledge of the human body is remarkable. “I offer great health and nutritional tips to keep you in shape during and long after our training sessions are over.” Bell also works with patients who are in need of rehab from injuries, but specializes in lower back pain and knees.

Spring Creek Fitness, (Providence, Utah) and 24 Hour Fitness (Salt Lake City branch), is where Patrick does most of his training. He has worked with a variety different aged clients from as young as 16 to as old as 93. Bell prefers clients who are ready and willing to sacrifice their old habits of eating unhealthy and drinking too much soda, but of course, will work with anyone who wants to be healthier. Bell has recently created a website (www.simplisticfitness.com), which offers great diets; workouts and many different products which can help keep you in shape.

Clients who receive training from someone who has the knowledge, such as Patrick, will see at least four times better results than someone who doesn’t use a personal trainer. Along with better results and a healthier lifestyle, most clients gain a higher self-esteem from the reshaping of their body, the weight lost and the muscle gained. Using someone who can give you proper instruction on diet and exercise can possibly save you money on healthcare.

Patrick received his credentials from the International Sport Science Association and has perfected his training to meet each individual client’s needs. Bell is offering a free training session to anyone who wants it. He is currently offering special deals and price. If you would like to know more about what CFT Patrick Bell has to offer, you can email him at trainissa@yahoo.com, contact him by phone or email me at max.young@aggiemail.usu.edu.

Kramer Young
Director of Public Relations
Phone: 435-881-6328
Email: max.young@aggiemail.usu.edu



Lacy Ann :) said...

Good JOB Kramerica. Your press release had a lot of good information, although it did seem to get a little lengthy at the end. Also there were just few grammatical errors throughout, they may have been tyops-who knows. Good work.

Derek Bowen said...

Good job Kramer. I thought that you did a good explaining the benefits of having a personal trainer compared to those who try getting in shape by themselves. I only noticed one typo but other than that good work.